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EXCLUSIVE NEWS: Time is running out for 20th Century Fox as it struggles to start the Daredevil reboot into motion. This in the wake of a possible character rights reversal to Marvel with the upcoming October 10 deadline. However, according to Marvel and Tom Rothman, Fox chairman, there has been a negotiation of sorts that will help keep the comic franchise even after the stated due date as reported by Marc Graser, Jeff Sneider, and Rachel Abrams of Variety.

The negotiations came about as Fox plans to take on a more hardcore 70s thriller take on superhero Matt Murdock under the direction of Joe Carnahan. This new development could seriously throw the Marvel family-friendly take on superhero films. In addition to this, Marvel seems to want something from Fox out of all this: to borrow characters from the universe of Fantastic Four with special emphasis on Galactus. In addition, Marvel is also planning to use Silver Surfer.

Right now, it seems like Fox has the advantage, and Marvel is willing to extend that October 10 deadline for the Daredevil reboot. At this time, it’s Fox’s call, while Carnahan is yet to get an official offer, he is said to be the prime choice. However, all three involved in this article has refused to make any comments.

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